・Pay in one lump sum next month
・No fees if you use direct debit
・Easily check your usage amount with the app
【即納可】String Pocket / ストリング ポケット / ホワイト × ホワイト / String(ストリング)/ ウォールシェルフ / 正規販売店 | TIMBER YARD(ティンバーヤード)|北欧家具・北欧インテリアの通販サイト
¥20,680 tax included
Using : to pay next month
206TIMBER YARDメンバーズポイント獲得
*Earliest delivery date is 1/25(Sat) (may require more days depending on delivery address).
Shipping fee is not included. More information.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥11,000 will be free.
【即納可】String®|ストリング ポケット[ホワイト × ホワイト]
◆壁の使い方が素敵な北欧からの贈り物、ストリング ポケット。String®は1949 年にスウェーデンで生まれたシステム収納ブランドであり、スウェーデンの建築家ニルス・ストリニングとカイサ・ストリニングによってデザインされました。70年以上たった今でも20世紀の北欧を代表する家具として愛され続けています。
【String® Pocket / ストリング ポケットとは】
壁面に取り付けて使う収納 / ディスプレイシェルフです。2枚のサイドパネルと3枚の棚板がセットになっています。奥行きがわずか15cmなので限られたスペースを有効に活用できます。いつでも簡単に棚の位置や高さを移動でき、ストリング ポケットを2個以上使って上下左右に連結することが可能です。生活の変化に合わせて進化・発展させながら、末長くサステナブルにお使いいただけます。
お部屋の広さを問わず、設置ができるので日本の住環境にも適しています。ストリング ポケットがあることで、今まで置き場に困っていた素敵な小物や普段使っているなんてことない日用品が生き生きとするから不思議です。リビングダイニングの広い壁はもちろん、玄関やお手洗い、子供部屋などあらゆるところで活躍します。また、サイドパネルには物を吊るすことができるので自由なアレンジが楽しめます。
サイズ:W60 × D15 × H50cm
String Furnitureについて
Shipping method / fee
Payment method
Make a payment using the credit card information or Amazon gift card registered in your Amazon account.
Make your purchase using the Pay ID app to buy now and pay later. The payment must be made at a convenience store by the deadline.
Convenience store payments fee : ¥350 Bank account transfer (automatic withdrawal) : Free
Customers who have ordered by convenience store payment/Pay-easy payment will receive the receipt number, biller ID and confirmation number by e-mail. Payment fees (300 yen) will be charged to customers.
Post pay fees : ¥360
Payment detail (bank account) will be sent by an e-mail.
When paying by bank transfer, the buyer will be responsible for bank transfer fees.
Post pay fees : ¥360
You can pay together with your mobile docomo's phone charges or from your d-Barai balance. Also, you can earn and use d-points.
Post pay fees : ¥300
au/UQ mobileの月々の通信料金と合算してお支払いいただけます。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
Post pay fees : ¥300
It is able to pay for goods and services purchased via smartphone or PC together with monthly phone bill of Softbank.
Post pay fees : ¥300
With just an ID and password, you can easily and securely pay with a credit card. New registration is free. There is no transfer fee even when paying from a bank account. Click here for more information about PayPal.
A convenient payment method
that lets you pay for your purchase next month.
・Pay in one lump sum next month
・No fees if you use direct debit
・Easily check your usage amount with the app
At a convenience store or by direct debit (automatic debit)
※No fees if you use direct debit
Select “Pay Later (Pay ID)” as your payment method during purchase. Please apply after purchasing the product if you will use direct debit.
The bill will be confirmed after the product is shipped.
Once billing is confirmed, we will notify you of the amount via email. Please pay by either direct debit or convenience store payment by the deadline.
Please see below for more details on the payment methods.
Pay by direct debit ・ Pay at convenience stores
An identity review is conducted at the time of purchase. Depending on the results of the review, you may not be able to use Pay ID.
There is a limit on the purchase amount of 55,000 JPY (including tax).
A fee of 350 JPY per month is charged for convenience store payments.
Direct debiting can be set up from the app once you have made a purchase.
The payment method cannot be changed for already confirmed bills.
Payments for products shipped by the final day of the current month will begin from the following month.
The shipping fee for this item varies by the shipping method.
Japan domestic shipping fees for purchases over ¥11,000 will be free.
Shipping fees vary by region.
¥20,680 tax included